“…misspelling highlighted the limits of Adele’s irreproachable conduct.”


Maifesta 10 Parallel program, Business center Bereg , St-Petersburg

“…misspelling highlighted the limits of Adele’s irreproachable conduct.”


Maifesta 10 Parallel program, Business center Bereg, St-Petersburg


Kirill Makarov, Eugeny Dedov, Marie Briffa

view of the exhibition

exhibition text:

Our work involves an idea of fragment as a possible way of constructing an image. The starting point is the space of the business center in which the exhibition takes place. Step by step among the customary everyday plastics, an image of either a guest, or a lost office client is trying to form. The teaser, as a form of advertising discourse, hints at her name - Adele and at the same time, being the only dynamic object, a sequence of alternating digital images, constructs an image of desire and authoritatively captures the viewer’s eye. Another element of space is the text, which is the main source of imagery in the work. The documented momentary observation of the person waiting for admission, his turn in the confined space of the office, is left on the bench. The metal part, the construction armature, which lies passively on the floor and seems to be waiting for the opportunity to perform its function, refers to the integral form of space and at the same time does not belong to it. These objects, which were thrown into space with an active gesture and, as a result, were forced to enter into some strange speculative relations with each other, give the viewer an opportunity to detect the intersection between phenomena distant from each other. In particularistic details, they are embedded in the algorithm of an artistic action, like a sketch that opens up for a moment the landscape of a new experience. The image, as a form of abstraction, transforms the space into a machine for the production of relations, but they are not obvious, lacking rigorous logic. These are superfluous fragments that make sense only due to their inclusion in our field of vision. There is a need in the effort of the imagination, peering, on which different levels of work, reading and the reading of the elements of space arise, an experience is being manifested, which is gained in the search of analogies.

view of the exhibition

TEXT RE-VIEW by Marie Briffa:

view of the exhibition

exhibition video


view of the exhibition