After Us

The special project of 5th Ural Industrial Biennial

1 August- 10 November 2019

The National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA), Ekaterinburg, Russia

After Us, The special project of 5th Ural Industrial Biennial

1 August - 10 November 2019

The National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA), Ekaterinburg, Russia


Vladimir Seleznyov

Lyudmila Baronina, Julia Vergazova, Alexander Verevkin, Alina Desyatnichenko, Alexander Zaicev, Oleg Zaharkin, Lyudmila Kalinichenko, Vladimir Logutov, Roman Minaev, Igor Samolet, Ivan Snigirev, Andrey Sayilev, Egor Fedorychev, Anna Mineeva, Vitaly Cherepanov, Kirill Makarov


The first exhibition of the 5th Ural Industrial Biennial After Us will be held at the National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA).

The special project of 5th Ural Industrial Biennial After Us explores today’s reality and its substitutes: gadgets, neural networks, mass market products. The pieces featured at the exhibition draw attention to the interaction between humans and digital world, the boundaries of which are becoming less and less distinct day after day.

The World Wide Web regulates our lives and preserves traces of our activities in a potentially eternal data system. The exhibition will start the discussion on immortality, a theme of the 5th Ural Industrial Biennial, and make a portrait of our today, which will be finished long after us.

The exhibition is organized in cooperation with the Foundation of Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantine Sorokin

Vladimir Seleznyov:

Since the beginningof the 2000s, art has undergone a qulitative change, graduallysynchronizing with surrounding reality. What we understand by the expression «contemporary art», itelligibly explains to us that we live in strange, inexplicable times. If the Middle Age focused on the theme of Heaven and Hell, Renaissance conducted revision of the past, and Modernicm shaped the fututre, then the art of the 21st century seems to be mostly interested in examining its own time.

Within this context, the genre identityof works becomes almost indefinable: virtual reality ix mixed with painting, video games - with documentary photography, social networks - with graphics, and performative practicies - with the work of the researcher. However, in regards to formal heterogeneity, all the works on display in the exhibition are related to existing forms: these artists percave reality as a workshop, filled with convenient tools, as an archive, the data of wich can be manipulated, exposing them to the act of redrawing or reinterpretation. Moreover artists have slopped producing original products - discoveries are not being made, nor are manifestos being written. A typical artistic strategy of the presence is to dive into cultural chaos - to utilize an already finished product and having reworked it (although in this case, the word «reprogrammed» would be more appropriate), introduce it into new contexts. It should be noted that this is neither bad nor good - it is merely a given. The exhibition

After Us is, on the one hand, another attempt to designate the Zeitgeist, on the other - to encapsulate the artistic strategies of the newest forms of art.

view of the exhibition

By observing everyday life and experimenting with computer modelling and visualisation techniques, the artist transforms painting into a hybrid genre combining video game algorithms, ultraviolet printing and manual labour practices. He goes through the whole cycle from the application of colours on the surface of the canvas to their destruction by ultraviolet light, and each stage of the process creates a new semantic and visual layer of the series. Each of the stories takes on a plastic expression that is easily fleshed out with new interpretations, textures and texts so powerful that they are beyond the control of even the author himself.

view of the exhibition
view of the exhibition
