06 September - 06 October .2013

curator Vladimir Logutov

Winzavod, Moscow


06 September - 06 October .2013

Winzavod, Moscow


Vladimir Logutov

text by vladimir logutov:

The artist thinks of fleeting shapes and images. He is trying to catch something that he seems able to live independently as a set of textured paint stains , that give us so much of the visual information that we want to engage in co-creation and build into the minds notated images. The artist is interested in the image itself - the painter’s apparatus: the texture of the paint layer, the materiality of the canvas, the composition. Really simple plots are lying in front of us: a woman at the mirror, a child sitting on the ground, a group of people busy with simple things.

Depicted people are immersed in themselves, they are not too interested in their surroundings, seem to be excluded at this empty space, they are partially reticent or are hiding something. Uneasiness arises. There is no clear understanding of what is happening and why, and the whole action takes place in the head of the depicted characters. They are sort of in the mode of contemplating this action, of their inner world. We are seeing a comparison of at least 2 viewpoints, 2 possible scenarios. We can assume that we see the rendered stream of consciousness of some character’s memories

view of the exhibition
view of the exhibition

view of the exhibition

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