Game Engine Free Verse


Distant.Gallery, Holland


Game Engine Free Verse

Distant.Gallery, Holland, 2022

Fedor Balashov (wasdswag), Ksenia Kononenko, Anastasia Koroleva, Yuliya Kozhemyako (Supr)
Kirill Makarov, Margarita Skomorokh (rkktkk)


"Game Engine Free Verse" is an exhibition of art games created by six Moscow and Saint-Petersburg based artists whose practices manifest within the fields of game engines, poetry, CGI and sound.

Free verse is an open form of poetry which does not follow any strict rules of versification such as rhyme, alliteration, etc. Such a poetic form could be considered a mistake within the structure of classic poems. Game engines as such have a strict organization as well, just as the aesthetics and narratives of mainstream games. By modifying this hierarchical architecture, artists glitch traditional gaming strategies and critique them. The phenomenon of digital poetry is usually perceived as computer-generated poetry or hypertext. Nevertheless, spatial digital tools such as 3D modeling, animation software and game engines allow the user to explore the nature of digital sensitivity and audiovisual lyrics.

In the presented projects, the video game itself is interpreted not as a space for competition where you can either lose or win, but as a synthesis of visual arts. The player will not face assignments or a traditional game narrative. Instead of this, the player may live through real-time interactive experiences, spontaneously stroll around contemplative landscapes and navigate inside poetic spatial environments.

The featured games are created between 2015-2021.



Oxana Chvyakina

Screenshot from on-line exhibition
Screenshot from on-line exhibition

Media partner:

ODRA is a community of authors and researchers writing about Russian contemporary art and culture using international language to get socialized in an English-speaking environment. Here you can find texts about media art, performance, visual and sound studies and other areas of Russian art and culture.

ODRA publishes artists' diaries as part of the exhibition 'Game engine free verse'. In their diaries, six Russian artists reflect about their mood, understanding of game art and game as a concept of human existence, and also talk about virtuality as the exhibition takes place on a special platform.
